Alex Burckin

Lecturer, Humanities & Interdisciplinary Studies
Office: SBS B-232
Phone: 310-243-3583

Dr. Alex Burckin joined the Humanities Program in the Spring Semester of 1996 and has taught there ever since. He also teaches in the IDS/PACE department. He has taught the Introduction to Humanities, The American Dream and Visions of Los Angeles in the Humanities Department. In IDS/PACE he has taught Interdisciplinary Courses in America’s Wars at Home and Abroad, Labor and Ethnicity, Modern American Social Problems, University Life in the US, and The Future as History, among others.

Dr. Burckin graduated from the University of California, Irvine with a Ph.D. in United States History, and a secondary field of Modern European History. His research interests are in the American South, American Jazz and Folk Music, and Current Politics. He has also participated in the ECLP Writing Across the Curriculum Seminar, at Dominguez Hills.